Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) and PRF Gel represent cutting-edge services in the field of aesthetic medicine, offering natural skin rejuvenation and healing processes by leveraging the body’s own biological materials. The EZ PRF system from CosmoFrance is at the forefront of this technology. Its technique involves drawing blood from the patient, which is then processed to concentrate platelets and fibrin, forming a matrix that releases growth factors over time. The concentrated PRF can be applied directly to the skin to stimulate skin regeneration, or added to the ezGEL formulation for a smoother application, deeper penetration, and improved comfort and convenience. Both are effective for a wide range of areas including facial rejuvenation, under-eye hollows, scars, and areas requiring volume enhancement. Ideal for individuals seeking a natural approach to anti-aging and skin repair, these treatments are suitable for almost anyone in good health looking to improve skin texture, tone, and overall appearance. Results typically show within a few weeks after treatment as the skin regenerates, with optimal outcomes visible after a few months. The longevity of results can vary but generally lasts for several months, depending on the individual’s skin condition and lifestyle.

For those interested in exploring the benefits of PRF and PRF Gel treatments, MODA Aesthetics + Wellness in Lakewood, CA, employs the EZ PRF system from CosmoFrance to offer personalized treatments tailored to your specific skin needs. Our expert team is ready to assist you with addressing signs of aging, increasing skin volume, or improving skin texture. Book your appointment today and take the first step towards revitalized, naturally beautiful skin.

Benefits of PRF & PRF Gel


$600 per Area

Add-On Second PRF Area:


$1,000 per Area

Add-On Second PRF Gel Area:


Individuals seeking to improve skin texture, diminish fine lines, and reduce scars are ideal candidates. It’s suitable for most skin types.
Initial improvements may be observed within a few weeks, with optimal results typically visible after a few months.
Results can vary but generally last for several months, influenced by the individual’s skin condition and lifestyle.
Minimal to no downtime is expected. Side effects are rare but may include mild swelling or bruising at the injection site.
Avoid blood thinning medications and supplements before treatment. Post-treatment, follow care instructions provided by your specialist, including avoiding direct sun exposure.
A small amount of blood is drawn from the patient, processed to create PRF or PRF Gel, and then applied or injected into the treatment area, with the whole process typically lasting about an hour.

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